
Portrait and Headshots in the Studio

Portrait Photography

/ / / / / how to dress for your headshot:

In this post, we introduce you to a couple of tips that will help you decide what to wear for your portrait headshots.

Tip number one: Don’t ever be afraid to go colour. When debating what to bring along with you, we always recommend throwing in a few flavourful pieces. It’s a no-brainer that colour evokes emotion, which is especially convenient if you have something particular in mind.

Tip number two: Jewellery/accessories go a very long way. In this portrait, the necklace keeps the photo feeling casual while adding a personable and polished layer. There is is slight magic that happens when the light hits reflective material. Whether that shimmer is achieved through an accessory like a watch or by your clothes such as a leather jacket, a little shine definitely will make a big difference!