
Outdoor Portrait for Dating

portrait photo headshots picture profile dating


/ / / / / editorial style canvas

Summer is almost over, but we still have a few months to go before all the greenery fades. Here’s a commemorative post to inspire people to shoot outdoors while we still can!

Since the studio is conveniently located just next to Canary Park, there are several spots we use for shoots during the fall season. Although we can technically shoot outside from around 2pm, the ideal time of the day to shoot portraiture at sunset when the light is somewhat golden and soft. The above shot was also taken around that time, making for a sun kissed and irresistible glow!

Portrait and Headshots in the Studio

Portrait Photography

/ / / / / how to dress for your headshot:

In this post, we introduce you to a couple of tips that will help you decide what to wear for your portrait headshots.

Tip number one: Don’t ever be afraid to go colour. When debating what to bring along with you, we always recommend throwing in a few flavourful pieces. It’s a no-brainer that colour evokes emotion, which is especially convenient if you have something particular in mind.

Tip number two: Jewellery/accessories go a very long way. In this portrait, the necklace keeps the photo feeling casual while adding a personable and polished layer. There is is slight magic that happens when the light hits reflective material. Whether that shimmer is achieved through an accessory like a watch or by your clothes such as a leather jacket, a little shine definitely will make a big difference!

Professional Natural and Candid Portrait

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Environmental Portrait Photoshoot

/ / / / / Our Tips for a Natural Portrait

We all want our portraits to look natural, but the tricky part is feeling comfortable un an unnatural photoshoot situation. For most of our clients, it is their first time in front of the camera, and with little to no clue of what to expect, you can expect to see some initial awkwardness at the beginning. Not to worry, as this is completely normal of a reaction !

Luckily we offer some tips and guidance through the session to help you feel and look more natural in your shots. It’s less about visual language (hair/makeup/clothing etc) and more about body language.

Some ways we help our clients feel natural on camera:

Wall/furniture to lean on: Helps relieve the body from feeling heavy and static
Head tilt: Imitates what our body does when we are naturally curious/interested in someone/something
Looser crop: Hands are always expressive and having them comfortably resting in a way that matches your personality—will help bring out your personality.

Professional Dating Profile Pictures and Portrait

headshots professional photography portrait toronto dating

A new season brings new opportunities either for work—or for love! Book any one of our portrait sessions and update your social media profile pictures, or even your dating profile pictures! Gurjit happened to live in Mississauga and found this awesome photography rental space. We aren’t suggesting this is the best option for everyone location wise, as there are always places in downtown or even in the studio neighbourhood that we can take environmental shots in. Nonetheless, enjoy this portrait that we styled to create an editorial feeling he had requested.

Professional Dating Profile Pictures Portrait Photographer

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait

We had the opportunity to shoot with Laura during this rather warm winter. We met up on location at a local park which had a variety of backdrops to choose from such as brick, unique textures, and of course nature! In this shot we caught the last bit of the sunset light giving her a golden glow on her right side. 

Professional Dating Headshots Online Profile Photographer

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait
LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait

We had the liberty of shooting on this beautiful autumn day in Corktown Common with Andrew. Since he got the Exclusive Package, it gave him the most amount of time to switch locations, make outfits changes, and not rush through any of it. Here are two snaps showing the range we can cover outdoors and in. The beautiful autumn trees added personality to the image outdoors.