
Business Portrait with Nature Background

Environmental Background for your Headshots

/ / / / / using a window in the office

Today we will be discussing the potential of using a window on a bright day for your business portrait.

One of the benefits of office spaces photography wise is the floor to ceiling windows. Not only does all the natural light make us feel more positive, but it serves as a unique option for your background as well!

In the above example this particular office had a stunning view of Queen’s Park, although even a city skyline without a single tree can look nice too—it all depends on the lighting condition outside. We recommend aiming for a sunny day as opposed to overcast.

Please note the option of shooting at the office is only available for group bookings of 5 or more staff.

Professional Natural and Candid Portrait

headshots fashion dating environmental window portrait photographer professional

Environmental Portrait Photoshoot

/ / / / / Our Tips for a Natural Portrait

We all want our portraits to look natural, but the tricky part is feeling comfortable un an unnatural photoshoot situation. For most of our clients, it is their first time in front of the camera, and with little to no clue of what to expect, you can expect to see some initial awkwardness at the beginning. Not to worry, as this is completely normal of a reaction !

Luckily we offer some tips and guidance through the session to help you feel and look more natural in your shots. It’s less about visual language (hair/makeup/clothing etc) and more about body language.

Some ways we help our clients feel natural on camera:

Wall/furniture to lean on: Helps relieve the body from feeling heavy and static
Head tilt: Imitates what our body does when we are naturally curious/interested in someone/something
Looser crop: Hands are always expressive and having them comfortably resting in a way that matches your personality—will help bring out your personality.