
PROFESSIONAL STUDIO/ Business Portrait on a Soft White

business headshots corporate white background professional portrait linkedin photo

Our “Just Right” White

/ / / / / a classic friendly and bright background

White can be a daunting background option as we tend to associate corporate photos on them with cringey stock photos—but trust us when we say there is another way to approach this vibrant and practical aesthetic
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(Unless you specify otherwise) our go-to lighting set-up for headshots on a white background is soft, partially lit, and soft like snow—off-white is compatible with all skin and hair colours.

With this soft shade, you are free to explore wearing bright whites without the issue of blending in too much with the background.

Friendly Business Headshots and Portrait

headshots corporate business friendly linkedin professional portrait photographer realtor real estate

Friendly Business Headshots

/ / / / / how to appear approachable:

In this post, we discuss two tips on the ever-so-popular topic of how to “look friendly” for your photo!

Tip number one: Experiment with micro head head tilts. This little trick does more than you think! By doing this you are essentially imitating the body’s natural movements that occur when we connect with something interesting.

Tip number two: Add a unique element of style that falls in line with your brand (ie: classic, contemporary, conservative, creative…). For example this client’s detail of choice would be the gently monochromatic bow. Neither boring nor distracting, it perfectly blends together the look while adding a bit of character.