
Friendly Business Headshots and Portrait

headshots corporate business friendly linkedin professional portrait photographer realtor real estate

Friendly Business Headshots

/ / / / / how to appear approachable:

In this post, we discuss two tips on the ever-so-popular topic of how to “look friendly” for your photo!

Tip number one: Experiment with micro head head tilts. This little trick does more than you think! By doing this you are essentially imitating the body’s natural movements that occur when we connect with something interesting.

Tip number two: Add a unique element of style that falls in line with your brand (ie: classic, contemporary, conservative, creative…). For example this client’s detail of choice would be the gently monochromatic bow. Neither boring nor distracting, it perfectly blends together the look while adding a bit of character.

Professional Linkedin Headshots and Portrait

business corporate headshots portrait professional modern

Add Personality with Textured Backgrounds

/ / / / / editorial style canvas

Since a headshot is ultimately a static image, a great way to bring your photo to life is by adding some personality through a textured background. This works best if your clothing is rather simple as in the example above.

For this shoot, our client just happened to be wearing a classic black & white suit, which ended up being the perfect match to our characteristic background. Because the canvas is hand-painted, it adds an element of organicness that contrasts well with the clean, corporate wardrobe.

Professional Business Portrait in the Studio

Corporate and Business Photography

/ / / / / How to select what jacket/shirt to wear?

Sometimes when deciding what to wear for your business headshot, it’s not so much a matter of picking the right color, as much as it is about picking the right fabric. In this example, instead of a simple blue and white ensemble, the client wore a finely patterned top, and a textured blazer. 

This adds a layer of character while allowing the eyes to remain softly focused on the subject. Since there are usually some limitations when it comes to the colours you can wear for a professional portrait, you can play up texture in your outfits to match your personality instead!

Professional Real Estate Headshots

Business Cards and Marketing Photos

/ / / / / how to wear your long hair

The most common question we get is what to wear, but little do we think that our hair is one of the more important elements to a good photo beside our facial expression.

Hair is emotional and evokes an expression entirely on its own. If the smile in your headshot is warm, natural, and friendly, you should aim for the hair to be the same. Therefore it’s usually not a good idea to have it tied back but rather let it lay naturally.

However, as with anything, there are always exceptions to the rule. In this exceptional example, our client had nicely textured layers that evoke the same organic emotion as would if it were hair down. For this reason, the hair being up becomes a viable option for a professional and clean real estate headshot.

Corporate Headshots on a Window Background

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photographer

Environmental Business Portrait

/ / / / / digital backgrounds

There are a few steps when it comes to arranging your headshot, but depending on the weather shouldn’t be one of them !

Whether it’s a cloudy day or an evening shoot, it’s always sunny in photoshop.
Choose one or get all different backgrounds for each of your headshots.

Ask us about the savings when you purchase more than one digital background!

Business Headshots for Professionals

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Corporate & Business Photos:

/ / / / / Standing or Sitting Headshot ?

Spoiler alert—there is no exact rule when it comes to whether a sitting or standing portrait is better. The most important thing about your headshot is not your pose, but actually your facial expression. When we are seated, our face tends to be more relaxed, so if you are really nervous (or have really uncomfortable shoes) we may choose to offer you a seat during your headshot.
Depending on your preference, we can either crop the image to be just a headshot, or include a small portion of your body like our client chose in the above shot !

Corporate and Business Headshots for your Brand

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photographer

Images for Marketing and Branding

/ / / / / business cards headshots

Letting us know the particular purpose of your headshot may seem like a fancy and somewhat unnecessary detail, however you’d be surprised at how differently you can tailor your photoshoot experience by simply telling us a little more about your intentions.

In this case, our client was planning to use this particular shot for his business card, and request that it be sent in a loose crop, or have a little room around the edges, so that he could appear comfortably on the card. In the original image his shoulder was actually touching the edge of the photo (making the crop slightly awkward for a business card format). Part of his arm got recreated in photoshop as a result, which helped achieve a more comfortable crop.

Whatever the detail is, big or small, we’re interested in hearing it ! Give us a call or email for a quick chat about your project.

Linkedin and Business Headshots

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photographer
headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photographer

“Window” Studio Background

/ / / / / background clipping for your headshots

To add a little bit of character to your portrait, try adding our background clipping service ! For only $35 extra per photo, you can get the original and the digital background version of your image. Choose from 10 different options and customize your background to suit your style.

There’s no right answer when it comes to which one is better ultimately, as it always depends on the context/usage. If you intend to only use the photo for Linkedin, simpler is better as the avatar is quite small in the first place.

As well if you are looking to get hired at a new company, simpler is better since you want to be able to have a compatible headshot ready in case they require it. Most companies tend to have team headshots on either a grey or white background, so keep that in mind if you plan on having your options open !