
Business and Corporate Headshots in Toronto

corporate business portrait photos headshot linkedin professional

Business Photos in the Studio

/ / / / / black wardrobe on a black background

When it comes to looking professional for your portrait, plenty of people will give you a long list of to-dos and to-don’ts—but in our experience, there is just 1 main rule you need to remember: the most important element of your portrait is how cleanly it reads.

This just means the visuals are balanced in a way that feels comfortable to look at. In the above example, our client decided to strip all colour and go for a monochromatic look. Typically this much contrast feels a bit heavy, however in this case, the solid black wardrobe gets broken up by a bit of her body and hands showing.

When it comes to professional headshots there’s no real wrong answer of how to style it—it’s just a matter of getting the elements right. If you’re looking to create something like the shot above, let us know in advance and we can help piece together your vision for you!

Corporate and Business Team Photography

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Realtor Group Portrait:

/ / / / / Team Photo

If your company is looking to have new photos of your staff look no further! Our studio is equipped for small and large teams (please note photoshop necessary for teams above 5 staff). In this shoot, Coral Realty were looking to rebrand themselves using a darker colour scheme. Our charcoal background was the perfect choice to add sophistication and seriousness that balanced out their smart and casual approach.

Professional Corporate and Linkedin Headshots

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Studio Business and Corporate Linkedin Headshots:

/ / / / / All shades of black and white!

Everyone is doing their headshots against a grey or white, why not be a little different and try black on black? In this look, the colour of your tie is the real game changer. Just imagine if his tie were darker such as a burgundy red or navy—it’s the lightness of the yellow that helps balance out the tones.

Black backgrounds are more often recommended for those who have a fair to medium complexion, rather than a pale one. Don’t have a real tan? No problem! Just ask us for a touch up in photoshop we’ll make it look like you just came back from a relaxing weekend in the tropics.

Professional Headshots — Corporate and Business Portrait

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Corporate and Business Headshots:

/ / / / / team and group photos

We offer portrait services for smaller groups (up to 5 staff) in our studio. Bring in your team to our downtown location, just a few steps south of King St East. Only 10 mins east of the Eaton Centre, we are located conveniently for your staff to stop by.

Are you arranging headshots for 5 or more staff? For bulk headshots, have our team come to you. Get started by simply emailing us the details, and we’ll get back to you promptly with a quote!

Linkedin Business and Corporate Portrait

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Corporate and Business Headshots:

/ / / / / environmental backgrounds—even in the winter!

Don’t let the cold weather get you down! Warm up in our studio and choose our window background for a lively Linkedin portrait. Our studio is located in a historic building which has the perk of the unique wall to shoot against.

Book your shoot in the afternoon against this backdrop and enjoy all the benefits natural light has to offer!

Professional Corporate and Business Portrait

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Business and Linkedin Studio Headshots:

/ / / / / opt for off white

When given the choice, we prefer to tint our white background to a slightly warm shade of yellow, and always, always avoid over brightening the backdrop.

The fact of the matter is, it’s not Y2K anymore, and the need for a portrait against a bright white cheeky background reminiscent of a stock photo—is dying. That’s one vintage aesthetic we don’t want coming back in style any time soon, as it’s not flattering to any complexion (let alone someone with white hair!)

Professional Headshots for Corporate and Business

headshots linkedin corporate business professional portrait photos

Environmental headshots in the Studio:

/ / / / / All the comfort with all the personality !

This year we are introducing our latest service, background clipping. Shooting against a white background, gives us the flexibility to do what most people have seen before only in films with a “green screen.” In photography we call this background masking, or clipping.

Simply think of it as a shortcut for you to get all the benefits of shooting environmentally on location, with out leaving the private and cozy studio. Please refer to our main page for more details and examples !

Professional Headshots for Corporate and Business

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Corporate and Business Headshots:

/ / / / /

For all of our photoshoots, you have the option of sticking with the traditional literal headshot, or a 3/4 portrait. In our experience, there is nothing scarier than the sight of your own face close up.

The great thing about shooting 3/4 is it allows for more breathability, and if needed, it can always be cropped to a headshot style later on. Just make sure that when you are preparing your wardrobe for your headshot, to come with business on the top and on the bottom!