
Fashion Lookbook and Catalog Photos

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photographer

Professional Photos for Fashion Design, Marketing and E-Commerce

/ / / / / Catalog, Lookbook and Editorial Photoshoots

Whether you are a student, emerging, or established designer, our team can help capture your work beautifully. Send us an e-mail or give us a call with the initial details (# of edited images, lighting style, whether you’re looking for catalog or editorial images, purpose of the photos etc.) and our team will promptly get back to you with any questions we may have to finalize a quote.

For this client’s campaign, plants were brought in as props to decorate the set for their spring/summer looks. We encourage our clients to customize the background for a touch of character ! For even more character we also used a muslin cloth to evoke a softer, organic feeling, reminiscent of the material in the collection itself. The soft folds of the background add dimension and a story to the shot, which is essential to catch the attention of the audience !

Professional Lookbook Catalog for Fashion Designer

headshots professional photography portrait toronto

Here is a great shot of a handprinted leather jacket and dress ensemble from local fashion designer Saniya Khan. We’ve shot with Saniya before on her other collections, and have learned exactly what kind of lighting style suits her marketing the best. If you’re a new or seasoned designer looking to promote their upcoming collection, with our help we take your vision into reality and will make sure to highlight all the best details professional photography and editing service.

Fashion Designer Lookbook

corporate business linkedin headshots portrait acting professional photographer downtown family 

Throwback to a funky summer themed lookbook we shot in the wintertime in the studio. 
Amna is a Pakistani designer who was preparing for her spring/summer 2018 collection launch. 
With about 20 different dresses to capture, we aimed to create as much variation as possible so that she could use the photos overtime on her social media. She was only in town for a few weeks, so we were fortunate enough to have had the chance to work with such professional and talented young lady. I could say the same for her, as she had originally contacted us in a panic having had another photographer cancel their shoot last minute! 

All the best of success back home Amna!

Hair Extension Company

Hair Extension Photoshoot

Hair Extension Photoshoot

Aisha started a hair extension company and wanted promotional photos to use for her website and marketing. She brought in her best friends to model for her, which created a comfortable atmosphere while also helping her save on the budget for the shoot. Since she would be marketing her product through instagram, she also requested that we do a short promotional video for her to create more variation in content. Here's a group photo that we did showing all the different coloured options with Aisha looking proud in the middle!