LinkedIn Corporate Business Headshots and Portrait

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Professional Photographer

As the fashion world is always changing, so do things like accessories, and we’ve noticed a shift in the glasses trend. In the past decade or so, thick black rimmed glasses have been widely popular amongst men and women. Set in a shape very similar to what you see Alex wearing in this business portrait above, the glasses paired with high definition high resolution cameras, might be a bit too heavy hitting.

Balance out that heaviness on your face and slim the frame down

LinkedIn Corporate Business Headshots and Portrait

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Team Professional Photographer

Although most people these days wear solid colours, we applaud Zoe for bringing in this charming plaid print for her professional business portrait. The key when picking a coloured and patterned top is to keep everything low key, as in the colours shouldn’t contrast to each other much, as it becomes distracting. We want the first impression linked to the eyes, or in other words—to the painting and not the frame.

LinkedIn Corporate Business Headshots and Portrait Photographer

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Team Professional Photographer

Full body for a business shoot?! It may be less frequently seen (especially if you’re not in the real estate market), but it’s definitely worth having as part of your business photo repertoire. Though the posing is a little trickier to nail, when all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed, the result is an effortlessly professional, and rather down to earth impression. We recommend booking our Portfolio/Branding Package to explore the full range of looks for no matter what the purpose!

LinkedIn Business Corporate Portrait and Professional Headshots

corporate staff group linkedin headshots business professional photographer downtown portrait family

If you’re the type of person with fair features and are itching to wear lighter colours on the day of your shoot, we always recommend going with our light grey background. The overall feeling is still very breathable and light, without going for the obvious “angelic” white backdrop option. It’s always key to mix up the tones you are using for a more effective portrait, and we love how dirty blonde highlights exemplify this tip perfectly.

LinkedIn Corporate Business Headshots and Portrait Photographer


One strange but great tip we have for women (sorry guys, I’ll get you next time!) is to wear a sleeveless dress for their headshot. It might sound a bit to scantily clad for a first impression of a professional as the temptation to look professional is derived typically from a tailored suit.

Rest your judgements to the side, as psychologically it has been proven that the sight of other human skin does make us feel good, and somehow more connected to one another. You get the perfect taste of humanity in your headshot since you don’t need to show the entire arm, but just enough. Test it out by imagining this photo with the shoulders covered and decide for yourself which is stronger!

LinkedIn Corporate Business Professional Headshots Portrait

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait

Steven came in for our ever so popular Standard Package and had two outfit changes. We discussed beforehand that he wanted a classic look with a bit of a unique feeling. We loved how soft this micro polka dots dress shirt turned out against the light grey. Because he had dark hair and frames, working with lighter tones is a good way to balance the image.

LinkedIn Corporate Business Staff Headshots Portrait

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait

I can’t tell you how many people ask us for a business portrait that “doesn’t look like a typical business portrait”. Similarly, these same people also have an adversity towards a white background, because in their mind, they are imagining bright white stock photo. Even though we can make our white super bright, this is what our white looks looks like by default. We believe off white is gentler on the eyes and won’t give people an outdated impression.

LinkedIn Corporate Business Headshots Photographer

LinkedIn Corporate Headshots Business Group Acting Professional Photographer Portrait

Although we encourage people typically to show a bit of neckline for added “humanity”—Clara broke the rules in the best possible way all thanks to her masterful styling choices. A light shade for her blouse and a navy for her coat, match all too well against her tan skin, dark hair and medium toned background. The shades are very balanced, and therefore very pleasing, and therefore our eyes aren’t craving to sit anywhere in particular and everything just feels right. Had she not have worn the jacket however, a couple buttons undone would definitely be in order. Of course, leave the crazy clothing math to us, and do us a favour and bring us some options to play with!