Fashion Portrait Headshots

On Location Shoot

On Location Shoot

Anthony was looking to get into acting and modelling and just got signed with an agency. We had the pleasure of taking photos of him in his very first photoshoot. We chose modern casual garments with a bit of bite to them. We tried a variety of poses with different chairs, and later headed outside for a couple shots to add background variety. He was very polite and always minded the clothing whenever he sat on something outside as to not get it dirty. We wish you all the best of luck in the future! 

Professional Portrait

On Location Shoot

On Location Shoot

Sabrina got our Exclusive Package which allowis d her up to 80 mins of indoor/outdoor shooting time. We shot in the studio first and since we were able to see how the photos were turning out on our large monitor, we could make as many adjustments as necessary. She had beauty services included in her package, which gave her a glowing complexion throughout the shoot (and also involved us getting our daily cardio in running over to smooth out her curls from time to time)! 

Acting Headshots

On Location Portrait

On Location Portrait

Emma is looking to expand her horizons and was itching to try her hand at acting and modelling. Fresh faced in her junior year of high school, she has the whole world ahead of her no matter what direction she takes. We shot her in this lovely form fitting dress that showed off her curves while still being conservative enough for her to book more sophisticated roles. We wish you luck Emma! 



Fashion Portrait

Fashion portrait

Fashion portrait

Kelly used to be a model with Sutherland when she was younger, and decided to get back into it many years later. She was pretty comfortable in front of the camera already, but welcomed our posing guidance. She gave us very specific directions as to what type of clothing we should prepare (which we loved since it helped us plan her outfits to the tee!). To our surprise, she liked the clothing so much she ended up buying two of the pieces off of us. 

Windy Studio Portrait

Fashion portrait

Fashion portrait

We shot Charlotte's portrait in our studio the other day. Mid way through the shoot she felt the photos weren't turning out quite as she had imagined, and we quickly identified that it was because portraits taken in the studio tend to appear more formal. In order for her to achieve a more organic portrait, we decided to add a subtle breeze from our wind machine, enhancing the liveliness of the image. With one minimal change we were able to dramtically transform the feeling of the image from commercial to organic.

We always encourage our subjects to review the photos in between rounds so that we can make adjustments where necessary. With your on set feedback we are able to make a variety of changes including the crop, softening the lighting, adding contrast or more shadows, changing the shooting orientation, and more. 

Fashion Studio Portrait

Fashion portrait

Fashion portrait

Laura had her portrait taken on our medium grey background, which complements every skin tone and hair colour. Opposed to white, we recommend people shoot on our grey background when aiming to add more depth and personality to the image. This is because of the fact that the shadows in the background give a subtle realness instead of being completely blown out from the light. We shot this photo loosely and cropped it later to her liking so that her features would appear more visually striking. 

Portfolio Headshots

Fashion portfolio headshots

Fashion portfolio headshots

Patricia is a cheerful young lady who wanted to try her hand at modelling. Being it was her first photoshoot, she had no idea what to expect. Hair and makeup was kept simple to appeal to her natural features. When building up your portfolio, it's good to be shown as a blank canvas so that people can visualize you in their designs.  

Self Styled Fashion Package

Portrait headshots photography

Portrait headshots photography

Gracia was looking to book a fashion photoshoot for herself to get into modelling. Since she is a university student on a budget, we suggested for her to book a self styled package, where she was able to get a discounted rate by bringing in her own wardrobe as well as doing her own hair and makeup. She did however mention she wanted make up services, so we simply adjusted her package price to suit her needs. She was a very kind and gentle person with such a lovely personality, we wish her only success!