Linkedin Portrait in Downtown Toronto

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Corporate and Business Headshots:

/ / / / / a white background that is not so white!

I know, it sounds like a boring choice by all means, and I completely understand why it would be seem at first glance like your least favourite background option.

The perspective I’d like to stress is there is nothing inherently wrong with any of the background shade options (white, grey, and black)their effectiveness is only as good as the tone outfit you wear and the tone of your skin and hair. Balance the tones and you get a successfully comfortable image to look at.

In the above example, a fair complexion, medium toned hair and dark outfit feel good against this lighter toned off white background. Still not into the white? We also offer a pale grey as an alternate lighter toned option!

Beauty Portrait and Model Portfolio


Professional Portrait and Model Headshots:

/ / / / / book a makeup artist for your photoshoot!

Enhance your photoshoot experience by adding on a beauty package which includes hair and makeup from a professional artist. Our team works in commercial, corporate, and fashion, so we are equppied to cover any sort of look or style you are going for.

In this project we shot some updated photos for Liza’s portfolio. Our makeup artist did a colourful neon eyeshadow and the clothing was kept minimal. The vivid hues were balanced with a soft facial expression and subtle lens flare was added for some gentle visual interest!

Corporate and Business Portrait Photography

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Portrait and Headshots:

/ / / / / the go to Linkedin background

If you’re in search of a new job and have no idea which company you will be working for, we have the background just for you! The most sensible background to pick would definitely be either the off white or light grey. The reason being that these two shades are most commonly seen in the corporate headshots world as they are easy for photographers to imitate and create visual consistency on the website.

Of course there are companies that offer something unique in the background department for their staff headshots. We suggest playing it safe and going for white or grey in anticipation that the company you are applying for may already see your LinkedIn headshot as ready to go for their website!

Portfolio and Headshots for Models and Actors

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Professional Photos and Portrait for Talent Agencies:

/ / / / / application/submission headshots

If you’re new to the industry or just looking to get back into it, stop by our studio for some quick updated headshots! The most important thing to remember when submitting your images is that it should be current to what you look like now. For women the makeup should be light or non existent as much a possible.

When dressing for your submission photos, you should aim to present yourself as a clean base, a blank page for agencies and clients to imagine you however they want. Although you may like the photos better with your personality shining through, it does the agency no favours and in fact could even work against you by type casting yourself to clients.

Professional Business Headshots and Portrait

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Corporate Portrait and Business Photos:

/ / / / / looking “off camera”

As an alternative to the typical headshot, try looking off camera from time to time! This pose is light and candid, yet still very professional. As it turns out, direct eye contact is not always necessary for a great portrait! At the end of the day no matter what the pose, it all boils down to your expression being natural.

“How do I smile naturally for my portrait?” It’s simple, stop overthinking and let us take care of all the technical details. The best mindset for a photoshoot is to literally be in the moment and literally stop thinking about what you look like. Of course we don’t want you to be left the dark, so we will take several viewing breaks whereby you can check your progress on our large monitor.

Acting Headshots and Portrait Photography

headshots actor model modelling acting portrait photos professional

Actor and Model Portrait and Headshots:

/ / / / / personalized portrait photoshoot

Our team can help your vision come to life! Simply send us your ideas by email with some comments as to what you like about the photo (pose, lighting, background, etc), and our team of experts will analyze how to recreate the same style.

Since photography is a sensitive process, we can’t guarantee to recreate every inspiration photo you send. However we do guarantee you will receive expert advice on how to get the image you want, whether it be shooting in a decorative studio, hiring a photo editor to enhance the image with special effects, or simply using another photographer who is more specialized in your taste of portraiture.

Professional Acting Headshots in downtown Toronto

headshots actor model modelling acting portrait photos professional

Portfolio Photos and Headshots for Actors:

/ / / / / The right shirt

Tyler came into the studio to get some acting headshots done, and brought with him a variety of clothing options. This particular shirt was an item he purchased not exactly for the shoot, but with the shoot in mind. It even had the tag still on it!

Not only did he go home that day with a great photo, but a great shirt as well! We recommend taking your time to plan the little for your photoshoot, such as a getting a fresh haircut, buying a new pair of glasses, or simply giving your wardrobe an update.

Downtown Corporate and Business Headshots

headshots corporate business linkedin professional portrait photos

Headshots and Portrait for Dental Office:

/ / / / / staff picture day!

We love field trips on location for staff headshots! In a matter of minutes, we can assemble our lights in the corner of your work space and build a mini photoshoot set. This time we visited on location to a dental office where by we brought our white background to shoot against.

It’s not to say the atmosphere of their office wasn’t beautiful (it honestly was one of the nicer offices we’ve been to), yet the portraits we took needed to match the ones currently on their website. They were done by another photographer against a white background, so we mimicked the same style to keep everything consistent.