Professional Linkedin and Corporate Studio Headshots

corporate linkedin business staff headshots

Corporate and Business Headshots in the Studio:

/ / / / / The Right Type of White:

Here’s a great example from our recent headshot session where we shot against our white background, where one could certainly speculate it appears more of an off white than what we traditionally might think of as white. Similar to when you are picking out paint colour, beyond that there are all sorts of finishes you can get that make the white appear brighter or duller.

Of course these subtle exposure changes can also be altered in photoshop later on and tweaked to your preference. Usually people will request a change of brightness to the background when incorporating the photos on their website and are wanting the images to match the white in their company branding.

Professional Studio Portrait and Model Headshots

linkedin professional headshots portrait

Friendly and Professional Portraits, and Why you Shouldn’t Be Too Friendly:

/ / / / / How Warm is Too Warm

We have several choices of beige to select from, and the reason is not due to some trend running in course in the photography world. As I like to say, portraiture is a quite like a science. In previous blog posts I’ve talked about how warm toned clothing will look good on all skin types, which means the same logic proves true for backgrounds—right??

So the question becomes, if beige is so warm and lovely, why don’t you see us using more? The reason is though business portraits should be friendly (and beige does encompass that quality) it also goes above and beyond in the realm of positive emotions, almost radiating compassion. To put it simple it’s a rather strong psychological reaction, which instantly makes the photo have more humanity. Professionally speaking, we suggest using our lightest beige for careers that involve more social interaction like a consultant or caretaker.

Linkedin and Professional Corporate Headshots

corporate linked business staff headshots

Corporate and Business Headshots in the Studio:

/ / / / / The Right Shade of Grey:

Although we don’t have 50 shades to choose from, we do have the option of either using a light, medium, or dark grey background for your session. But how do you know which is the right grey for you?

One tip we have is to breakdown your natural complexion into shades. Forgetting actual colours, imagine if you were to be photographed only in black and white and all colour information would transform into shades. For example, this navy suit would appear black, the tie medium grey, and the white shirt—well, white !

By breaking the categories down into light, medium, and dark, you can assess if all 3 elements are incorporated into the photo or not. Essentially it’s a process of deduction. If you have dark hair and a fair complexion like Peter does in the above example, then our medium grey option balances the look the best.

Professional Corporate and Business Staff Portrait

professional corporate business headshots portrait linkedin

Corporate and Business Headshots on Location:

/ / / / / What to Wear Against Brick:

One tip we have in mind when dressing for your business headshot against a brick wall, is to keep things simple and colour blocked. At the end of the day, brick is still a pattern, so you want avoid having a top that is patterned as well. The pleats on Iman’s shirt are just about as pattern-y as we can get without losing the feeling of balance against this background.
Colour blocking essentially just means clothing with solid sections of colour, and not necessarily all in one colour. The dark edge on Iman’s top would be an example of colour blocking since the line is thick enough to feel like a shape, or a “block” as they say in graphic designer speak !

Professional Headshots and Modeling Portfolio

corporate headshots modelling portfolio professional actor

Modelling Portrait with Fashion Styling:

/ / / / / Editorial styled photoshoots:

Although we frequently shoot classic LinkedIn headshots, we love being able to unleash our creativity during sessions that are flexible to more stylized options when it comes to wardrobe, background, and photoshoot style.

In this session, we used a super soft lighting setup, to create an almost angelic dewy feeling that is appealing to the commercial industry. For beginner model portfolios, the posing doesn’t need to be over the top, a simple headshot composition with the right type of styling, right choice of lens, and the right angle, you’ll encompass a simplicity that’s appealing to everyone.

Leave the details to us, and see how easy it is to get great headshots to build your acting or modeling book!

Professional Corporate Linkedin and Business Headshots

corporate linkedin business headshots

Corporate and Business Headshots for Linkedin Professionals

/ / / / / Subtly is Key!

Here is a great example of how a soft smile and eye squint can win over anyone! And on our end, we also practice subtly in the editing process. In our opinion, a great photo is one where you can’t even tell which parts were edited. For fashion modelling our techniques differ slightly, with the editing job being a bit more apparent with the person looking too perfect to the true !

Professional Headshots for Talent and Modelling Portfolio

headshots model actor professional
headshots model portfolio polaroids professional

Professional headshots for models & talent

/ / / / / polaroids for agencies

As straightforward as polaroids sound, you’d be surprised at how much variation you can make ! With a simple change in hair position, slight head tilt, or even shift of weight from one foot to the other, the photo can have a completely different feeling, and we want the photo to feel natural and light, not awkward !

Our white backdrop serves as the perfect canvas to highlight your features, and we recommend for the best results to wear something form fitting and minimal like the above examples.

Corporate Business Portrait Professional Headshots

corporate linkedin headshots portrait staff

Corporate and business headshots on location

/ / / / / Brick isn’t just for real estate agents!

It may sound generic and you may be saying to yourself “will brick look good with my skin tone?” the answer is—yes! Though it may sound daunting to have a red background, the colour is completely tweakable to your taste of saturation.

The science behind why red looks good is simple, we all have blood running through our veins, and the result is a warm undertone in our skin. Due to this, warm shades will compliment everyone. In this example we added cyan to the background to even out the vibrancy of the red.