Professional Business / Corporate Headshots

professional corporate linkedin business headshots portrait

Professional Standing Portrait Pros and Cons:

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Sometimes we suggest midway through your headshots to loosen up the crop and have our photographer backup to capture you from further away. The benefits of a 3/4 shot is that the focal point, your face, is literally less in your face, so the shot feels breathable. The downside is that there are more aspects to consider to nail the image such as wardrobe styling and posing.

In this case we see an example of how in looser shots it’s beneficial to have some prop or accent in jewelry / a watch. The reason being is the balance of elements needs to be adjusted if more is in the frame, and the accessories add a bit of complexity to an otherwise minimalistic colour blocked outfit.

Professional Actor / Actress Headshots

professional actor acting headshots corporate linkedin portrait

Professional Acting Headshots in the Studio:

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In one sense you may think that it’s easier to nail the shot when you don’t have to worry about using your body. The interesting thing that we’ve concluded after many years of shooting headshots, is the scariest thing in this world is the sight of our own face. That is precisely the reason why our horizontal headshot style is more popular than our vertical. Although it’s all about context in the end, since when it comes to acting headshots, the norm is a vertical / portrait orientation.

In this example we coached her expression to be soft in the lips, and slightly tense in the eyes. It just so happens to be that that particular balance is just right when it comes to headshots. Actors can even get away with pushing their squint even more than you would in a regular portrait. Eyes are the first place anyone looks when they see the photo, so make sure yours are engaged and personable!

Professional Corporate and Staff Headshots Photographer

professional headshots portrait business corporate linkedin staff

Group and Staff Professional Headshots on Location:

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Have you been assigned to arrange a photoshoot for your office? With our experience travelling to many offices, we simplify the process by laying out the steps for you.

After deciding the date and general amount of headshots needed, the last step is to send us a couple snapshots of your space. With a quick set up of 15 mins on the day of, we are capable of shooting individuals back to back, capturing all their angles and consulting with them on how they are liking their photo before we wrap up the session.

Call or email if you have any questions or would like to book your photoshoot !

Staff Headshots and Corporate Professional Photography

corporate linkedin business headshots portrait professional

Corporate and Staff Portrait Headshots on Location:

/ / / / / We travel to you for your convenience

Though you would never be able to tell, this corporate portrait was taken location at an office along King Street. A quick Uber ride over and in 15 mins we were at the space, setting up our double light arrangement, the same lighting we use here in the studio.

We’ve noticed that many photographers as we put it “dump one light source” onto the subject, but we find that for the most flattering effect on the skin you need to use more than one light to feather the shadows pleasantly. Even though we sometimes shoot up to 30 people in one day, we still take the time to take care of each individual and make sure they are pleased with their headshot !

Professional Headshots and Portrait in Toronto

corporate business portrait photographer headshots professional

Headshots and Portrait Photography in the Studio:

/ / / / / Should you use a light or dark background?

Here is an example of a casual portrait we shot a few weeks ago, whereby we set up editorial style studio lighting against a dimly lit grey background. This particular client was inspired by our fashion photos which are often shot against dark background.

The reason we recommend to shoot against a dark background is because it adds a particular mood you can never achieve with lighter tones. It in some way it feels more natural and authentic to human emotion, as the background fades out of importance and the focus sits nicely on the subject who now pops into attention.

Corporate Professional Headshots and Portrait Photographer

professional portrait business corporate headshots photographer

Staff Headshots Photoshoot Setup On Location:

/ / / / / Light and action brought to you!

You wouldn’t be able to tell, but this was shot on location at CIBC’s office downtown. In one of the vacant offices, we rearranged the furniture and set up our tripods and light stands to make ourselves a cozy little makeshift studio for the afternoon.

Staff trickled in as they pleased to get their headshots taken for the internal website, and for 10 minutes endured a good mix of taunting and encouragement to smile for their not-so-best-friend the camera.

As like with all of our sessions, you can be as particular as you like about the lighting style. in this case, the client requested the lighting create a thick shadow from one side for a more serious tone.

Location Professional Corporate Staff Headshots

corporate linkedin business headshots portrait professional

Corporate Headshots Photography at the Office:

/ / / / / On Site Location Photoshoot

If you have more than 5 staff needing an updated headshot, feel free to book us in for a site visit at the office! We bring our studio lights to you and recreate our classic portrait lighting. For this particular photoshoot we travelled to the financial district.

This particular company required an environmental headshot, as opposed to the white wall headshots they had from a previous photographer. We managed to use this meeting room with a couple windows that did just the trick. After moving aside some chairs and tables, we managed to make a cozy pop up studio for the afternoon.

Professional Modelling and Fashion Portfolio

headshots modelling portfolio photographer model actor professional

Professional Headshots and Modelling Portfolio:

/ / / / / Full Body Portraiture

One thing we have noticed in our time shooting people, is how different the reaction is for close up portraits versus portraits shot from far away. These days we often suggest for our subjects to try both variation. The main reason being not so much related to their fashion choice as it is being able to communicate more with simple body language. No need for fancy posing, as the clothing silhouette (once cleaned up nicely like in the image above) exemplifies effortless sophistication.